Shire of Mundaring Local Planning Scheme 4 Amendment 15

Scheme/scheme amendment
Responsible Authority: 
Shire of Mundaring

*The Shire of Mundaring has advised the EPA it will not be proceeding the scheme amendment.

The Shire of Mundaring proposes to rezone Lot 500 Coothallie Road, Chidlow from Special Use
to Development. The current Special Use zoning permits the development of an 'eco-village' with a maximum of 104 strata title residential lots clustered in and around cleared areas on the eastern side of Lot 500. Rezoning Lot 500 to Development would facilitate rural residential development across Lot 500. Lot 500 is 162 hectares in size and contains a large area of vegetation confirmed as black cockatoo habitat and potential nesting habitat.

Assessment Number: 
Local Government Authority: 
Last updated: 
Monday, 22 March, 2021
Current status: 
Proposal withdrawn
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