Scheme/scheme amendmentResponsible Authority: Shire of ManjimupDescription: Rezoning from General Agriculture to Rural-Residential, Lot 24 of Nelson Locations 1772 and 3776 Conte Road and Vasse Highway, Pemberton. Region: South WestLocal Government Authority: Manjimup, Shire ofLast updated: Monday, 17 March, 2014Current status: Decision on whether to assess has been published Chairman's DeterminationDate of determination: Monday, 17 March, 2014Decision: Referral examined, preliminary investigations and inquiries conducted. Scheme Amendment not to be assessed under Part IV of EP Act. Advice given (Not appealable)Extract of determination: 14-646581-ChairDets-170314.pdf (PDF, 109.41 KB)Environmental Factors: Inland Waters Environmental QualityScheme advice: advice Manjimup LPS4 AM14_0.pdf (PDF, 230.2 KB)