The City of Gosnells has initiated Amendment No 478 to the City of Gosnells Town Planning Scheme no 1 for the purposes of rezoning an area of approximately 465 hectares in Canning Vale from "Rural" zone to "Residential Development" zone and "Public Purposes High School" reserve.
Proposal to rezone Part Lots 521 and 523 South Western Highway, Byford from "Rural" to "Residential", "Commercial", "Public Open Space Reserve", "Public and community Purpose Reserve" and "Mixed Use". The area is currently zoned "Urban" and "Urban Deferred" under the Metropolitan Region Scheme.
TPS 4 Amend 108 Rezoning Lot 3 Fiegert road, Barragup from Rural to Special Rural & Public Recreation/Conservation Reserve, including S6 area M108 and EPP Lake Goegrup.
TPS 4 Amendment 109 rezone part of Lot 201 Fiegert Road, Barragup from Rural to Special Rural, including S6 area M108 and EPP Lake Goegrup.
The State Planning Commission has initiated a Major Amendment to the Metropolitan Region Scheme (Amendment No. 927/33), known as the Canning Vale-Southern River area.
The EPA did not assess the proposed amendment, but made a submission on the document released for review by the State Planning Commission. Download the submission here (EPA Bulletin 717).