Attachment 1 to Statement 1113 - 1. Change to Condition 5-3(6) Condition 5-3 (6) is deleted, and replaced with: 5-3 (6) provide the format and timing for the reporting of monitoring results against trigger criteria and threshold criteria to demonstrate that condition 5-1 has been met over the reporting period in the Compliance Assessment Report required by condition 3-6.
2. Change to Condition 8-3(3) Condition 8-3 (3) is deleted, and replaced with: 8-3(3) $1,642 AUD (excluding GST) per hectare of riparian vegetation communities within Turee Creek East cleared within the development envelope (delineated in Figure 3 and defined by the geographic coordinates in Schedule 2) within the Hamersley IBRA subregion.
Changes approved under s46c on 16 April 2020.
Attachment 2 to Statement 1113 - Change to Condition 8-4 approved under s46c on 4 January 2021.
Attachment 3 to Statement 1113 - Change to amend the Mine Development Envelope, approved under S45c on 16 April 2021.