Attachment 1 to Statement 594 - Construct and operate alternative seawater intake pump system - change to proposal approved on 5 March 2010.
Attachment 2 to Statement 594 - Construct and operate a six gigalitre per annum reverse osmosis desalination plant to supply industry and domestic customers. - change to proposal approved on 6 August 2010.
Attachment 3 to Statement 594 – Define the development envelope using spatial coordinates (Replace Figure 2 of MS 594 with defined development envelope in schedule 3 (new)). Increase development envelope by 1.44 ha, from 17.96 to 19.40 ha. Increase in clearing by 0.26 ha, from 6.36 to 6.62 ha. Delete in Table 2 the element Operational Noise, and description: Seawater intake system: “less than 70 dB(A) at 1 metre from pump well”. Change to proposal approved under s45C on 19 April 2024.