Tutunup Mineral Sands Project

Proposal description: 

Iluka proposes to develop the Tutunup Mineral Sands Project, located approximately 195 km south of Perth, and 17 km east of Busselton.  

The proposal involves mineral sands mining, including the development of mine pits, processing plant, dams for water and clay fines management, material stockpiles and associated supporting infrastructure. 

Up to 4.02 gigalitres of water would be required to support the proposal.  Heay mineral concentrate would be transported for further processing at the Capel mine site. 

The proposal is located within a 653 hectare (ha) development envelope and may require the clearing of up to 142 ha of native vegetation.

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
October 16, 2024
Current Status: 
Environmental Scoping Document approved
Environmental Scoping Document approved
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