The Southern Forest Irrigation Scheme proposal involves taking water from the Donnelly River to irrigate land for horticultural and agricultural production in the southern forests region around Manjimup and Pemberton.
The proposal is to construct and operate a water offtake (pump station) adjacent to the Donnelly River, a reservoir on Record Brook (a tributary of the Donnelly River), two header dams and a network of distribution water pipelines and associated infrastructure to supply water to agricultural properties.
* Since the approval of the Environmental Scoping Document, the timeline for the environmental assessment of the Southern Forest Irrigation Scheme has been updated. The updated timeline can be viewed under 3.Assessment > Additional Assessment Information, below, and also here.
Pursuant to s. 40A of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act), the Environmental Protection Authority has decided to terminate the assessment of the proposal given the proponent has failed to comply with section 40(2)(b) of the EP Act within a reasonable timeframe given the circumstances.