ProjectProposal description: The Proposal is to install a second undersea gas trunk line from the existing offshore Goodwin/North Rankin production platforms to a new terminal located in the existing onshore treatment plant at Withnell Bay on the Burrup Peninsula. Assessment Number: 1105Region: PilbaraReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: InfrastructureOil and gasLast updated: July 14, 1998Current Status: Ministerial Statement published 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Assess - Public Environmental ReviewPreliminary Environmental Factors: Benthic Communities and HabitatsMarine FaunaLandformsDate published: Friday, 4 April, 1997 3. AssessmentScopingApproved: Monday, 5 May, 1997 Environmental ReviewPublic submissions: Monday, 20 October, 1997 to Tuesday, 18 November, 1997Environmental Review documentation: PER document Volume 1 (PDF, 23.33 MB) PER document Volume 2 (PDF, 20.87 MB) 4. EPA Report on assessmentEPA Report Number: 893EPA Report: Second offshore trunkline and DOMGAS debottlenecking, North West Shelf (PDF, 2.33 MB)Key Environmental Factors: Human HealthMarine Environmental QualityMarine FaunaTerrestrial Environmental QualityTerrestrial FaunaDate published: Friday, 29 May, 1998Appeals close: Friday, 12 June, 1998 5. Decision on proposal and implementation of proposalMinisterial StatementDate of approval: Tuesday, 14 July, 1998Ministerial Statement: Ministerial Statemtent 482 (PDF, 934.24 KB)