Sand Extraction Lot 242 Corio Road, Pinjarra (s46)

Proposal description: 

The Sand Extraction proposal at Lot 242 Corio Road Pinjarra was initially referred to the EPA in December 1990, and a level of assessment was set at Consultative Environmental Review.

Ministerial Statement 198 was published in November 1991, granting approval subject to the implementation of conditions, including Condition 10 which requires the proposal to be substantially commenced within five years of the date of the Statement. The proposal has not been implemented to date.

A change to Condition 10 under section 46 of the EP Act is being sought to allow the proponent an extension of time in which to implement the proposal.

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
April 28, 2009
Current Status: 
Ministerial Statement published
Ministerial Statement published
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