ProjectProponent: Allied Land Company Pty LtdProposal description: The proposal is for the subdivision of part Lot 402, Rae Road, Rockingham for Residential and Commercial Purposes and the ceding of the Parks and Recreation reserve and the important regional road reserve to the Crown. Assessment Number: 1077Region: PerthReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: Land useLast updated: September 18, 1998Current Status: Ministerial Statement published 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Consultative Environmental ReviewPreliminary Environmental Factors: Terrestrial Environmental QualityHydrological ProcessesInland Waters Environmental QualityDate published: Saturday, 1 February, 1997 3. AssessmentScopingApproved: Tuesday, 25 March, 1997 Environmental ReviewPublic submissions: Thursday, 12 June, 1997 to Monday, 4 August, 1997Environmental Review documentation: Consultative Environmental Review document (PDF, 12.71 MB) 4. EPA Report on assessmentEPA Report Number: 892EPA Report: Residential/Commercial SubDivision Pt Lot 402 Rae Rd, Cockburn Sound Location 16, Rockingham (PDF, 1.8 MB)Key Environmental Factors: Marine FaunaFlora and VegetationWaterInland Waters Environmental QualityDate published: Friday, 29 May, 1998Appeals close: Friday, 12 June, 1998 5. Decision on proposal and implementation of proposalMinisterial StatementDate of approval: Friday, 18 September, 1998Ministerial Statement: Ministerial Statement 486 (PDF, 396.9 KB)