Relocation of Crocodile Farm to corner Crab Creek and Broome roads, Broome

Proposal description: 

The proposal is to construct and operate a crocodile farm and tourist facility on the corner of Broome and Crab Creek roads, Broome. The proponent is seeking about 25ha of crown land which is mostly salt-marsh, includes some high ground with pindan vegetation and is within about 40m of mangroves which form part of Dampier Creek. The proponent intends to develop tbe crocodile farm over several years and would develop the high ground first. Ultimately 3,300 crocodiles would be held on the site and the proponent expects up to 15,000 visitors per annum.

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
June 16, 1992
Current Status: 
Ministerial Statement published
Ministerial Statement published
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