Regional recreation center Stage 1 Boundary, Port Kennedy (s46)

Proposal description: 

The Port Kennedy Regional Recreation Centre proposal was assessed by the EPA in 1989, approved by the Minister for the Environment in Ministerial Statement 105, and received further government endorsement in the Port Kennedy Development Agreement Act 1992. During that time active consideration was being given to shifting part of the area proposed for conservation.

Following the completion of the EPA's assessment and while the conditions were being set, this possible change was sufficiently likely that the conditions were altered to include a specific requirement for the proponent to investigate the desirability of the change. The change being considered was a reduction in the northern conservation zone, removing the east-west transect across the northern end of the site but retaining the reservation of the high dune formation adjacent to the coast. The land being considered in exchange as being possibly preferable for conservation purposes, was a triangle of land adjacent to the southern conservation zone, but within Stage 2 of the proposal as referred to the EPA.

This is the EPA's inquiry under s46 regarding the proposed change to boundaries.

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
April 22, 2014
Current Status: 
Ministerial Statement published
Ministerial Statement published
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