Quarry, Lot 344 South Western Highway, Mundijong (s43)

Proposal description: 

Ransberg Pty Ltd (the proponent) proposes to open up a hard-rock quarry located about 4km east of Mundijong in the Darling Ranges. The Environmental Protection Authority previously assessed the quarry proposal and reported in December 1992 (Bulletin 662). The Environmental Protection Authority concluded that the proposal was environmentally acceptable provided that, before the quarry was expanded such that it would be visible from the Swan Coastal Plain, the proponent obtain further approval from the Minister for the Environment that there would be no loss of visual amenity.

There were ten appeals against Bulletin 662 and, before determining them, the Minister requested the Environmental Protection Authority, under Section 43 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986, to reassess the proposal with regard to the potential visual impacts on the visual amenity of the Darling Scarp, especially from the later stage (in about 30 years) of quarry development when it would become visible from the Swan Coastal Plain. This assessment is in response to the Minister's request.

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
August 5, 1993
Current Status: 
Ministerial Statement published
Ministerial Statement published
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