The Health Department acting under instructions from the Cabinet Committee on Metropolitan Waste, has proposed a non-hazardous industrial liquid waste treatment plant at Forrestdale on the existing Metropolitan Septage Treatment Plant site. The facility will treat this liquid waste and discharge the treated effluent to sewer. This will obviate the current method of disposal which is to discharge it to the City of Gosnells landfill site on Kelvin Road in Orange Grove.
The Ctty of Gosnells gave notice to the proponent in June 1988 that the tip site would be closed to industrial liquid waste receival at the end of November 1989.
The proposal is to build a plant which includes receival buildings, in-ground screening facilities and a transfer pumping station. All areas subject to spillage will be bonded. Incoming wastes will be cleared by the plant before acceptance. Waste will be treated by screening, liming, pH correction, oil removal, and clarification and then discharged to sewer. Solids will be dewatered and removed offsite to an Environmental Protection Authority-approved landfill site.