ProjectProponent: Health Department of Western AustraliaProposal description: The Health Department, acting under instructions of the Cabinet Committee on Metropolitan Waste, has proposed a treatment plant for septic tank pumpout material and grease trap wastes, to be located at Westfield. The facility will enable the proper treatment of this material, and the discharge to sewer of the liquid effluent. This will obviate the current methods of disposal which are not environmentally acceptable, and which may give rise to odours. Assessment Number: 120Region: PerthReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: Waste managementLast updated: January 21, 1988Current Status: Ministerial Statement published 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Assess - Public Environmental ReviewDate published: Friday, 21 August, 1987 4. EPA Report on assessmentEPA Report Number: 299EPA Report: Proposed liquid waste treatment plant at Westfield (PDF, 118.26 KB)Date published: Monday, 31 August, 1987 5. Decision on proposal and implementation of proposalMinisterial StatementComments: See also Ministerial Statement 43. Date of approval: Thursday, 21 January, 1988Ministerial Statement: Ministerial Statement 15 (PDF, 129.72 KB)