This initial proposal is establish an integrated petrochemical complex at Kwinana. The proposed complex would utilise natural gas and industrial salt to produce a range of products for overseas and local markets. Vinyl chloride monomer and ethylene dichloride would be exported, and caustic soda and hydrogen gas would be sold to other industries already operating in Kwinana. The proponent submitted a Notice of Intent to the Environmental Protection Authority in March 1987, indicating the nature and scope of the project.
The EPA subsequently determined that an Environmental Review and Management Programme, as well as a Preliminary Risk Analysis would be required in order to adequately assess the proposal, and subsequently issued guidelines in April 1987. The Authority also determined (in September 1987) that a Notice of Intent was required from Wesfarmers LPG Pty Ltd in respect of the expansion of the LPG facility to extract ethane. The ERMP and the NOI were to be published together in the same document. The documentation (ERMP, NOI and Preliminary Risk Analysis) was released for a ten week public review period, commencing 2 December 1987 and ending 10 February 1988. The EPA's report and recommendations for the modified proposal were published as EPA Bulletin 332, the subject of Assessment 84 and Ministerial Statement 36.