Proposed Brockman No. 2 detrital iron ore mine

Proposal description: 

The proposal is to mine high-grade detrital iron ore from Hamersley Iron's leases on Mt Brockman station. The deposits lie at the foot of the Brockman massif some 3km from Mt Brockman and 55 km north-west of Tom Price.

Ore will be extracted from one pit 1500 metres long by 500 metres wide and up to three smaller pits of about 500 metres by 200 metres. Open cut mining methods would be used, involving the stockpiling of topsoil and about 5 million tonnes of waste overburden per year, then drilling, blasting and mining of up to 7 million tonnes of ore. This ore would be screened and crushed on site, with about 4 million tonnes per year being transported on a new 45km rail spur to the existing Tom Price to Dampier main line. The remaining low grade ore would be stockpiled on site.

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
March 28, 2012
Current Status: 
Ministerial Statement published
Ministerial Statement published
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