Proposed amendment to the MRS - rezoning from rural to urban and urban deferred, Stirling Crescent, Hazelmere

Proposal description: 

Swan Shire Council has submitted an overall planning strategy for the Hazelmere area to the State Planning Commission (SPC) and has requested the Commission's consideration to amending the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) to introduce Urban and Urban Deferred zoning and an Important Regional Road reserve into the area.

The SPC referred the proposed MRS amendment to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) requesting comments and/or recommendations on Council's submission. The EPA determined that the proposal should be assessed under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 and that the level of assessment would be Notice of Intent (NOI). The potential environmental impacts of the proposed amendment have been assessed from information provided in the NOI.

The Environmental Protection Authority has concluded that the environmental acceptability of the proposal is constrained by several environmental factors. In order for the proposal to be considered environmentally acceptable, these environmental factors would require managing. The Authority has recommended accordingly.

Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
November 1, 1987
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