ProjectProponent: PIOP Mine Co NLNotice of Change of Proponent: Notice of Change of Proponent.pdf (PDF, 164.79 KB)Proposal description: Flinders Mines Ltd proposes to revise the already approved Pilbara Iron Ore Project located approximately 70 kilometres north-west of Tom Price in the Hamersley sub-region. The revised proposal includes additional clearing up to 300 hectares (ha) to include the Paragon ore deposit and external infrastructure (including haul roads, airstrip and accommodation camp), as well as an increase in abstraction of groundwater of up to 2 Gigalitre per annum. Assessment Number: 2045Region: PilbaraReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: InfrastructureIron OreLast updated: October 5, 2020Related EPA Media Statement: EPA recommends approval for revised Flinders Pilbara Iron Ore Project - Report 1548Current Status: Ministerial Statement published 1. ReferralComment on this referral: Pilbara Iron Ore Project - Revised ProposalComment period: Monday, 23 March, 2015 to Monday, 30 March, 2015Referral documentation: Proponent Environmental Review Document.pdf (PDF, 6.89 MB) Proponent Referral Form.pdf (PDF, 974.91 KB) WorleyParsons 2012 Geochemical characterisation of mine waste and tailings.pdf (PDF, 6.8 MB) WorleyParsons 2012 PIOP Groundwater impact assessment report Appendices.pdf (PDF, 14.31 MB) WorleyParsons 2012 PIOP Groundwater impact assessment report.pdf (PDF, 8.44 MB) Bennelongia 2011 PIOP Blacksmith subterranean fauna surveys.pdf (PDF, 5.81 MB) Ecoscape 2011 Sig Fauna Management Plan.pdf (PDF, 1021.47 KB) Ecoscape 2011c Sig Fauna Management Plan Appendix 1 Maps.pdf (PDF, 2.01 MB) Ecoscape2011 PIOP Blacksmith Vertebrate Fauna and SRE Survey.pdf (PDF, 6.16 MB) Ecoscape2011 PIOP FloraVegetationSurvey_Part1.pdf (PDF, 3.16 MB) Ecoscape2011 PIOP FloraVegetationSurvey_Part2.pdf (PDF, 10.74 MB) GHD2014 Vegetation Flora and Fauna Assessment.pdf (PDF, 5.26 MB) 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Assess - Assessment on Proponent Information - Category AExtract of determination: Chairman's Determination - Pilbara Iron Ore Project - revised proposal (PDF, 136.7 KB)Preliminary Environmental Factors: Flora and VegetationInland Waters Environmental QualityDate published: Friday, 17 April, 2015 4. EPA Report on assessmentEPA Report Number: 1548EPA Report: EPA Report 1548 - Pilbara Iron Ore Project - revised proposal (PDF, 1.56 MB)Proponent documents: Appendix 1 - Stakeholder Consultation Summary (PDF, 74.85 KB) Appendix 2 - Assessment on Proponent Information - Environmental Review Document (PDF, 14.09 MB) Appendix 3 - Zipped Spatial Data File (ZIP, 25.06 KB) Appendix 4 - Signature Fauna Management Plan (PDF, 2.87 MB) Appendix 5 - Subterranean Fauna Survey (PDF, 5.81 MB) Appendix 6 - Subterranean Fauna survey (PDF, 5.39 MB) Appendix - 7 Correspondence with Department of Water (PDF, 190.42 KB) Appendix - 8 Response to proposed TSF (PDF, 1.14 MB) Appendix - 9 Department of Mines and Petroleum response to tailings characterization (PDF, 239.17 KB) Appendix - 10 Response to DSEWPAC request for Additional Informationr (PDF, 3.26 MB) Appendix - 11 Blacksmith Vertebrae Fauna and SRE Survey (PDF, 6.16 MB) Appendix - 12 Flora Vegetation Survey (PDF, 13.32 MB) Appendix - 13 Geo chemical characterization of Process Tailings (PDF, 1.48 MB) Appendix - 14 Vegetation Flora and Fauna Assessment (PDF, 5.26 MB) Appendix - 15 Iron Ore Deposit Homogeneity (PDF, 1.71 MB) Appendix - 16 Memo- Vertebrate Fauna Survey (PDF, 1.63 MB) Appendix - 17 Independent 3rd Party Review of Mine Waste Characterization (PDF, 292.23 KB) Appendix - 18 Geo Chemical Characterisation of Mine Waste Tailings (PDF, 6.8 MB) Appendix - 19 Groundwater impact assesment report (PDF, 22.38 MB)Key Environmental Factors: Flora and VegetationDate published: Monday, 18 May, 2015Appeals close: Tuesday, 2 June, 2015 5. Decision on proposal and implementation of proposalMinisterial StatementComments: Proposal to amend the Pilbara Iron Ore Project – Stage 1 to include the Paragon deposit and additional infrastructure such as access roads, airport, accommodation camps, power station, ore processing facility, tailings storage facilities. Date of approval: Wednesday, 19 August, 2015Ministerial Statement: Ministerial Statement 1014 - Pilbara Iron Ore Project - revised proposal (PDF, 412.47 KB)