Narrogin FutureEnergy Park

Proposal description: 

FutureEnergy Australia is proposing to construct and operate a biorefinery processing plant to produce a renewable biodiesel. The proposed proposal is located on Lot 31 on Plan 404104, Narrogin, within the shire of Narrogin, Western Australia.  

The proposal includes a biorefinery plant, a feedstock receival area, woodchip drying beds, and supporting infrastructures. The biorefinery plant will utilize waste lignocellulose biomass as feedstock which will undergo pyrolysis followed by non-catalytic distillation process to produce a biodiesel and the by-products wood vinegar and biochar. 

The plant will operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to produce 18.8 million litres per annum (MLpa) of biodiesel, 7,424 tonnes per annum (tpa) of biochar and 6.173 MLpa of wood vinegar. 

The total disturbance footprint of the proposal is 10.155 hectares (ha) within the development envelope (DE) of 10.656 ha. The operational life of proposal is 30 years.

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
June 21, 2023
Current Status: 
Assessment on Proponent Information – Request for More Information published
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