ProjectProponent: Cable Sands (WA) Pty LtdProposal description: Proposal by Cable Sands (WA) Pty Ltd to mine mineral sands and relocate an existing rubbish tip in a portion of "C" Class Reserve 31900 which is vested in the Shire of Harvey for the purpose of sand extraction and rubbish disposal. Assessment Number: 1326Region: South WestReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: Mineral sandsLast updated: July 20, 2000Current Status: Ministerial Statement published 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Environmental Protection Statement (EPS)Preliminary Environmental Factors: Flora and VegetationInland Waters Environmental QualityDate published: Friday, 19 May, 2000 3. AssessmentEnvironmental ReviewPublic submissions: Thursday, 18 May, 2000Environmental Review documentation: EPS - Cable Sands (WA) Pty Ltd (PDF, 7.13 MB) 4. EPA Report on assessmentEPA Report Number: 977EPA Report: EPA Report 977 (PDF, 3.01 MB)Key Environmental Factors: Flora and VegetationInland Waters Environmental QualityDate published: Friday, 19 May, 2000Appeals close: Tuesday, 6 June, 2000 5. Decision on proposal and implementation of proposalMinisterial StatementDate of approval: Saturday, 15 July, 2000Ministerial Statement: Ministerial Statement 0550 (PDF, 1.13 MB)