EPA Report Number:
EPA Report:
Key Environmental Factors:
Date of approval:
Wednesday, 21 November, 2007
Ministerial Statement:
s. 45C amendments:
Attachment 1 to Statement 756- Change in the orientation of the escarpment breakthrough portal, additional 0.71ha of clearing of vegetation with the potential to disturb up to an additional 0.3ha, section 45C change to proposal approved on 25 July 2008.
Attachment 2 to Statement 756 - Alteration to the mining pit shell and the MEZ at Mesa A, plus an increase to the groundwater abstraction rate at the Warramboo borefield, section 45C change to proposal approved on 17 December 2010.
Attachment 3 to Statement 756 - Increase in disturbance footprint and removal of 10 year mine life limit – change to proposal approved under section 45C on 27 March 2013.
Date of approval s. 45C:
Friday, 25 July, 2008
Friday, 17 December, 2010
Wednesday, 27 March, 2013