Market Garden, Lot 5 Yangetti Road, Keysbrook

Proposal description: 

The proposal is to recommence market garden operations and to irrigate up to 52 hectares for approximately eight months of the year. It is proposed that during the period December - March the area of market garden will be between 30 and 40 hectares so that groundwater abstraction is not in excess of groundwater well licence conditions. The proponent has not indicated the types of crop to be grown, but estimates that average phosphorus applications will be approximately 91 kilograms/annum/hectare with two crops per year. Fertiliser will be applied in the form of NPK Blue or a similar fertiliser.

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
April 2, 1992
Current Status: 
Ministerial Statement published
Ministerial Statement published
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