Limestone Quarry Lot 1794 Finn Rd, Myalup

Proposal description: 

MGM Bulk Pty Ltd propose to operate a sand and limestone quarry within an approximately 9.17-hectare (ha) area. It will be excavated to approximately 6 m Australian Height Datum (AHD1) from a maximum height of 16.5 m AHD in five stages, each approximately 2 ha in size. The boundaries of the subject site will be designed with a minimum of 1:4 batters. The proposal is located approximately 20 km north-west of the Harvey town centre.

It is anticipated that between approximately 46,000 m3 and 963,000 m3 of sand and limestone will be extracted in total with a maximum of approximately 200,000 m3 excavated each year, depending on supply and demand. The proposal involves the screening of the sand and crushing of limestone onsite. The duration of screening and crushing operations will be dependent on the timing and requirements of specific campaigns.

Clearing will compromise non-native introduced species. Mining will occur above the water table with no abstraction of groundwater required.

The planned end use of the quarry is to restore a natural soil profile and return the area to horticulture, ensuring that there is no net loss of productive agricultural land. 

Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
February 3, 2025
Current Status: 
Decision on whether to assess has been published
Decision on whether to assess has been published
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