Limestone and Sand Excavation, Lots 1001 and 1002 Preston Beach Road North, Preston Beach

Proposal description: 

Doyles Lime Service Pty Ltd proposes to develop a limestone and sand quarry on Lots 1001 and 1002 Preston Beach Road North, Preston Beach. The estimated resource is 1,000,000 tonnes of limestone extracted at 50,000 tonnes per year and 150,000 tonnes of sand, extracted at 10,000 tonnes per year. The proposed limestone pit is 7.5 hectares (ha) and the sand pit is 1.5 ha with a 2.5 ha pit identified for the future. The proposal is expected to have a life of 20 years.

Preston Beach Road North is the existing access track to the Martins Tank campground, and is also commonly used as a walk trail. A transport study has been undertaken by the proponent which determined that the current road structure will not support the traffic and that changes to intersections and sightlines would be required. The EPA notes that the development envelope provided by the proponent does not include infrastructure upgrades that would be required to access the site and this should be considered by the Shire of Waroona as part of the development approvals process.

Following the EPA's determination not to assess the proposal, but to provide public advice, the Minister for Environment remitted the proposal for formal assessment. The proposal was subsequently withdrawn by the proponent with the EPA’s assessment terminated on 10 May 2016. A revised proposal was referred to the EPA in August 2016. The assessment can be found here.

Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
May 10, 2016
Current Status: 
Assessment has been terminated under s40A of the EP Act
Assessment has been terminated under s40A of the EP Act
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