ProjectProponent: Primary Energy Pty LimitedProposal description: The proposal is for the construction and operation of an ethanol bio-refinery on a 19 hectare site in the Kwinana Industrial Area. Assessment Number: 1668Region: PerthReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: IndustrialLast updated: July 12, 2007Current Status: Ministerial Statement published 1. ReferralReferral documentation: Environmental Protection Statement (PDF, 10.54 MB) Appendix 1 - Referral Form (PDF, 436.92 KB) Appendix 2 - Construction Activities (PDF, 28.81 KB) Appendix 3 - Flora and Fauna Assessment of Proposed Kwinana Ethanol Bio-Refinery (PDF, 2.63 MB) Appendix 4 - Air Quality Assessment (PDF, 5.57 MB) Appendix 5 - Individual Facility Noise Assessment (PDF, 2.39 MB) Appendix 6 - Cumulative Noise Assessment (PDF, 722.15 KB) Appendix 7 - Aboriginal Archaeology, Ethnographic and Historic Heritage Desktop Assessment (PDF, 1.6 MB) Appendix 8 - Risk and Hazard Assessment (PDF, 1.3 MB) Appendix 9 - Kwinana Ethanol Bio-Refinery Website Text (PDF, 3.11 MB) Appendix 10 - Community Groups Contacted During Consultation Program (PDF, 109.35 KB) Appendix 11 - Newspaper Articles Regarding the Proposed Bio-Refinery (PDF, 1.61 MB) Appendix 12 - Community Information Brochure (PDF, 1.77 MB) Appendix 13 - Presentation to the Kwinana Community and Industries Forum (PDF, 8.91 MB) Appendix 14 - Summary of Issues Raised by Authority Stakeholders (PDF, 336.8 KB) 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Environmental Protection Statement (EPS)Extract of determination: 1668-ChairDets-120207.pdf (PDF, 56.64 KB)Preliminary Environmental Factors: Social SurroundingsFlora and VegetationHydrological ProcessesDate published: Monday, 12 February, 2007 4. EPA Report on assessmentEPA Report Number: 1248EPA Report: Bio Ethanol Refinery Kwinana (PDF, 1020.94 KB)Key Environmental Factors: Social SurroundingsHuman HealthDate published: Monday, 12 February, 2007Appeals close: Monday, 26 February, 2007 5. Decision on proposal and implementation of proposalMinisterial StatementDate of approval: Thursday, 12 July, 2007Ministerial Statement: Ministerial Statement 744 (PDF, 2.61 MB)