The proposal is to develop an iron ore mine at the Koolyanobbing Iron Ore Project-Mt Jackson J1 Deposit (Mt Jackson J1 Deposit), located approximately 110 kilometres (km) north-north-east of Southern Cross in the Shire of Yilgarn.
The proposal includes two mine pits to extract approximately 33 million tonnes of iron ore and associated mining infrastructure. The proposed mine required disturbance of approximately 605 hectares (ha) of native vegetation for pits, associated mine infrastructure, gravel extraction and construction of internal roads and a haul road. Dewatering below the water table would also be required. The life of mine is expected to be 10 years.
The proposed mine is located within the Mount Manning region on a section of banded ironstone formation (BIF) range which forms part of a series of ridgelines of BIF within the Yilgarn Region of Western Australia. This region falls within the Great Western Woodlands which cover 60 million ha and is currently considered to contain 3000 flora species.