Keane Road Strategic Link

Proposal description: 

The proposal is to construct, operate and maintain a 1.5 km section of Keane road between Anstey and Skeet roads, Forrestdale. The proposal is located within Bush Forever Site 342 (approximately 369 hectares (ha)), which meets all six of the EPA’s criteria for the identification of regionally significant natural areas, contains one of the largest remaining areas of damplands of high conservation value on the Swan Coastal Plain, and is the largest consolidated area of Southern River vegetation complex (a poorly represented vegetation complex) in the Perth Metropolitan Region, in predominately very good to excellent condition. The proposal coincides with priority ecological communities, priority flora and a mapped Conservation Category Wetland.

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
December 2, 2016
Current Status: 
Minister determined that the proposal should not be implemented
Minister determined that the proposal should not be implemented
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