Karnup Sand Mining Project

Proposal description: 

Urban Resources Pty Ltd proposes to develop a sand quarry on tenement M70/1262, located in Karnup approximately 48 kilometres (km) south of the Perth Central Business District. The proposal would extract 1.5 million cubic metres over a project life of around five years with a total disturbance footprint of around 42 hectares including the mining area, stockpiles, a haul road and site compound. The proponent has advised that the overall post-mining land use is expected to be consistent with the sites zoning of Parks and Recreation to support the proposed LandCorp residential development to the west of this proposal.

Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
July 4, 2016
Current Status: 
Decision on whether to assess has been published
Decision on whether to assess has been published
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