Hope Downs 2

Proposal description: 

Hamersley HMS Pty Limited (the proponent) proposes to develop two new above water table (AWT) iron ore mine pits at the Hope Downs 2 proposal, located approximately 80 km north-west of the township of Newman in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia.

The proposal includes a conceptual footprint of approximately 4,700 hectares (ha) to support the development, operation and closure of two new AWT iron ore deposits within a proposed Development Envelope of approximately 14,085 ha.

The key components of the proposal include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Development and operation of AWT iron ore deposits: Hope Downs 2; and Bedded Hilltop.
  • Mineral waste management infrastructure including waste rock landforms, landbridges, low grade ore dumps and topsoil and sub-soil stockpiles.
  • Processing infrastructure including dry processing facilities at Hope Downs 2 and/or Bedded Hilltop deposits.
  • Support facilities including workshops, hydrocarbon storage areas, ANFO facilities, laydown areas, turkeys nests, transfer pads and offices.
  • Linear infrastructure including heavy and light vehicle access roads, railway crossing, conveyors, pipelines, power distribution network (including sub-stations), communications distribution network and associated communications infrastructure.
  • Realignment of approximately 6 km of the Great Northern Highway.
  • Infrastructure for surface water management including Pebble Mouse Creek crossings, diversion drains, levees and culverts.
  • Infrastructure for water supply including abstraction of groundwater and/or use of surplus water from local sources and adjacent operations.
  • Accommodation including installation of a new construction camp may be required to support the implementation of the Hope Down 2 proposal
Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
November 27, 2024
Current Status: 
EPA Report and Recommendations released - appeals open
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