Attachment 6 to Statement 800 – Amendment to Condition 17 - change to proposal approved under s46C on 31 May 2011.
Attachment 7 to Statement 800 – Amendment to condition 23A.3 ix – change to proposal approved under section 46C on 25 June 2013.
Attachment 1 to Statement 800 - Change to clarify that discharge of waste from marine vessels will be in accordance with MARPOL 73/78. Change to proposal approved under s45C on 23 February 2010.
Attachment 2 to Statement 800 - Change to development and usage of boil off gas flares and increase of seawater volume intake during the construction period. Change to proposal approved under s45C on 26 February 2010.
Attachment 3 to Statement 800 - Use of seawater for construction earthworks on the LNG treatment plant site. Change to proposal approved under s45C on 23 March 2010.
Attachment 4 to Statement 800 - Increase in construction duration and construction workforce – change to proposal approved under s45C on 29 April 2011.
Attachment 5 to Statement 800 – To modify the carbon dioxide (CO2) pipeline from an above ground installation to a buried installation - change to proposal approved under s45C on 2 June 2011.
Attachment 8 to Statement 800 - Deletion of construction duration and construction workforce detailed in Attachment 4 and correction of clerical error in Attachment 5 – change to proposal approved under section 45C on 26 June 2013.
Attachment 9 to Statement 800 - The temporary venting or flaring of gas liberated during the monoethylene glycol (MEG) regeneration process (MEG flash vapours) until the completion of commissioning of piping to route the MEG flash vapour to the condensate stabilisation overhead unit or until 31 December 2021 (whichever is earlier), and after that time when normal operations are not available (i.e. during periods of process shut-down and start-up, and upset conditions) – change to proposal approved under section 45C on 3 April 2020.
Attachment 10 to Statement 800 - Amendment of descriptions of Feed Gas Pipeline System and shore crossing to incorporate additional power/control infrastructure; Describe shore crossing point of domestic gas pipeline; Amendments to Schedule 3, removing items 6 (Carbon Dioxide Injection System) and 10 (Greenhouse Gas Abatement) as they are no longer relevant. Changes approved under s.45C on 24 October 2022.
Attachment 11 to Statement 800 - An additional pressure management drill centre (DC-F) and additional wells for pressure management, pressure management water injection, anode and reservoir surveillance at existing drill centres (DC-A and DC-C). Changes approved under s.45C on 28 September 2024.