Fimiston project stage II - mine and waste dumps

Proposal description: 

KCGM are currently operating open pit and underground gold mines on the Golden Mile, which is an historical gold mining area adjacent to the urban area of Kalgoorlie/Boulder.

The proposal involves an expansion of existing open-cut mining activities. KCGM intends to rationalize the various open-cut mining operations on the Fimiston mining leases into a single operation. This would entail incorporation of the existing open pits into two large open pits to be known as the Combined Pit and the Western Lodes. There will be large scale mining of the Combined Pit with the Western Lodes being used as a flexible reserve. Open cut mining of this area is expected to last at least 15 years. New waste dumping areas will be required to accommodate material from the expanded open pit. These new areas will be located to the east of the pit between the expanded pit and the Trans Australian railway line. The proposal incorporates the recommendations of the Golden Mile Mining Development Planning Committee.

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
May 17, 2006
Current Status: 
Ministerial Statement published
Ministerial Statement published
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