The proposal is to develop Lot 112 Warton Road, Forrestdale for a golf course and driving range facility with the emphasis being on family and casual use. There will be 9 short holes and 9 longer holes that will still be only approximately two thirds the length of an normal golf course.
The driving range will be located in the southern end of the site and will be approximately 300m long. The fairways, tees and greens (approximately 6.5ha) will be irrigated, but the driving range will be rainfall watered only and will be allowed to die off in summer. Extensive earthworks are planned to raise the majority of the site (eg fairways, service areas) above the winter groundwater level, and the majority of the material required will come from the excavation of lakes within the seasonally inundated areas that already exist. The lakes will serve several functions including irrigation reservoirs, and aesthetic water features. Islands will be created in the lakes for wildlife (particularly waterbirds) refuges.
The site is over a Priority 2 Source Area as defined by the Water Authority of Western Australia for the protection of groundwater supplies and is also in the Jandakot Underground Water Pollution Control Area.