ProjectProponent: Iluka Midwest LimitedProposal description: The Proposal will involve the construction and operation of a new rare earth refinery at Iluka Eneabba Mine Site, located 5 km south of Eneabba townsite and approximately 300 km north of Perth. It will produce approximately 17,500 tpa of individual rare earth oxides and carbonates. The Proposal will utilise the existing Eneabba monazite concentrate, future Iluka feedstocks and third party feedstocks. Products will be transported via road trains from Eneabba to the port of Fremantle for export. The Development Envelope consists of cleared land or land undergoing post mining rehabilitation. Region: Mid WestReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: Rare earth elementsLast updated: December 10, 2021Current Status: Decision on whether to assess has been published 1. ReferralComment on this referral: Eneabba Rare Earth Refinery ProjectComment period: Friday, 10 December, 2021 to Thursday, 16 December, 2021Referral documentation: Appendix A - TSF Conceptual Design Report - Wood Engineering 608020-4290-DW00-RPT-0001 Yellow Dam North Design Report_0.pdf (PDF, 8.84 MB) Appendix B - Stakeholder Engagement Outcome Report - 361 Consulting - 2021-09-06 EP3 Stakeholder Engagement Outcomes Report - FINAL.pdf (PDF, 1.22 MB) Appendix C - Flora and Vegetation Assessment - Umwelt Australia - MBS21-50-01 Rep Rev 0_compiled Flora and Veg.pdf (PDF, 43.1 MB) Appendix D - Fauna and Habitat Assessment - Western Wildlife - Iluka EP3 Fauna Report v2_Optimizer.pdf (PDF, 7.93 MB) Appendix E - ERER_Closure Plan_REV_0_20211026.pdf (PDF, 24.51 MB) Appendix E.1 - ERER Closure Plan Appendices_20211026.pdf (PDF, 11.46 MB) Appendix F - Surface Water Assessment - Water Technology - 21010536_Eneabba_R01V04a - Surface Water Report.pdf (PDF, 8.71 MB) Appendix G - Groundwater Assessment - Jacobs 2021 20210813-HBtoJB-Eneabba Project Phase 3 Hydrogeological Impact Assessment.pdf (PDF, 20.23 MB) Appendix H - Air Quality Assessment - Environmental Technologies and Analytics - 1220_Iluka_Phase2_AirModel_Ver4.pdf (PDF, 12.27 MB) Appendix I - Noise Assessment - Talis 2021 TN21028-1 Iluka Eneabba Noise Assessment_5.0.pdf (PDF, 1.34 MB) Appendix J - Radiation Impact Assessment - MBS Environmental FINAL.pdf (PDF, 10.17 MB) Appendix K - Final Eneabba Rare Earth Refinery Project RMP and RWMP October 2021.pdf (PDF, 2.59 MB) Iluka Eneabba Rare Earth Refinery Project - s38F Notice Requiring Further Information - Response Dec 2021 V1.pdf (PDF, 1.07 MB) Project Content Document.pdf (PDF, 614.71 KB) Referral Supporting Document.pdf (PDF, 15.99 MB) 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Referral examined, preliminary investigations and inquiries conducted. Proposal not to be assessed under Part IV of the EP Act. No advice given (Appealable)Extract of determination: Eneabba Rare Earth Refinery Project.pdf (PDF, 357.5 KB)Date published: Monday, 10 January, 2022