ProjectProponent: Iluka Resources LimitedProposal description: The proposal is for an open cut mine that will operate over approximately six years and will extract over 2.1 million tonnes (Mt) of heavy mineral concentrate (HMC) (mostly zircon and titanium minerals) from the IPL North mineral deposit. Ore will undergo initial onsite processing to produce HMC. Mining will commence at the most southern end of the deposit and progress to the north. It is expected that mining will occur 24 hours/day for the majority of the proposal. Assessment Number: 1927Region: Mid WestReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: Mineral sandsLast updated: May 12, 2021Current Status: Assessment has been terminated under s40A of the EP ActAssessment has been terminated under s40A of the EP Act 1. ReferralComment period: Wednesday, 6 June, 2012 to Tuesday, 12 June, 2012Referral documentation: Referral Document - Eneabba Mineral Sand Mine (PDF, 377.33 KB) Supporting Document - Eneabba Mineral Sand Mine (PDF, 2.99 MB) 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Assess - Public Environmental ReviewExtract of determination: Chairman's Determination - Eneabba Mineral Sand Mine (PDF, 24.09 KB)Preliminary Environmental Factors: Social SurroundingsFlora and VegetationTerrestrial FaunaHydrological ProcessesDate published: Monday, 18 June, 2012 3. AssessmentScopingEnvironmental scoping document: Environmental Scoping Document - Eneabba Mineral Sand Mine (PDF, 2.31 MB)Approved: Sunday, 31 March, 2013Bilateral assessment (EPBC Act): 2012/6408 Termination of assessment under s40ADate of termination: Wednesday, 12 May, 2021Termination notice: Termination Notice under s40A - Eneabba Mineral Sands Mine.pdf (PDF, 39.98 KB)