ProjectProponent: The University of Western AustraliaProposal description: The proposal to develop Lot 4 Underwood Avenue was originally approved for implementation by the Minister for Environment and published Ministerial Statement 835 (MS 835) on 14 July 2010. The proposal has not substantially commenced. The proponent subsequently requested a change to condition 3 – Time limit for proposal implementation of MS 835 by requesting an extension of time limit for substantial commencement. Assessment Number: 2055Region: PerthReferred under EP Act: s46Industry sector: Land useLast updated: May 11, 2023Current Status: Assessment has been terminated under s40A of the EP Act 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: s46 request for a change to environmental conditions (not subject to appeal): Public NotificationExtract of determination: Section 46 Change to Conditions - Development and Conservation Proposal, Lot 4 Underwood Avenue MS835 (PDF, 256.7 KB)Preliminary Environmental Factors: Flora and VegetationTerrestrial FaunaDate published: Tuesday, 16 June, 2015 3. AssessmentTermination of assessment under s40ADate of termination: Thursday, 11 May, 2023Termination notice: Notice to terminate assessment - s. 40A - Lot 4 Underwood Avenue Shenton Park.pdf (PDF, 140.03 KB)