ProjectProponent: Shark Bay Salt Joint VentureProposal description: The proposal is to construct a new series (F series) of crystallizer ponds at the northern edge of the existing Shark Bay Salt crystallizers in Useless Loop, Shark Bay. Construction of the new series of ponds will enclose approximately 125 hectares of shallow marine environment up to the boundary of Mining Lease 260 SA, of which some 60 hectares is seagrass. Assessment Number: 1193Region: GascoyneReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: SaltLast updated: June 14, 1999Current Status: Ministerial Statement published 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Consultative Environmental ReviewPreliminary Environmental Factors: Benthic Communities and HabitatsMarine Environmental QualityDate published: Friday, 20 February, 1998 3. AssessmentScopingApproved: Monday, 25 May, 1998 Environmental ReviewPublic submissions: Monday, 31 August, 1998 to Monday, 28 September, 1998Environmental Review documentation: Consultative Environmental Review document (PDF, 3.66 MB) 4. EPA Report on assessmentEPA Report Number: 934EPA Report: Construction of additional crystallizer ponds, Useless Loop, Shark Bay (PDF, 2.06 MB)Date published: Friday, 23 April, 1999Appeals close: Friday, 7 May, 1999 5. Decision on proposal and implementation of proposalMinisterial StatementDate of approval: Monday, 14 June, 1999Ministerial Statement: Ministerial Statement 513 (PDF, 239.53 KB)