ProjectProponent: G M & V M PlaneProposal description: The proposal is to clear some portion of Kent Location 1858 for agricultural purposes. The exact area of proposed clearing has changed as the proponent has made further submissions to the State Administrative Tribunal. It is understood that the proponent’s current application is to clear approximately 65 hectares of native vegetation. Assessment Number: 1620Region: GascoyneReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: ClearingLast updated: December 7, 2016Current Status: Decision on whether to assess has been published 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Proposal Unlikely to be Environmentally AcceptablePreliminary Environmental Factors: Flora and VegetationTerrestrial Environmental QualityTerrestrial FaunaInland Waters Environmental QualityDate published: Monday, 26 December, 2005 4. EPA Report on assessmentEPA Report Number: 1236EPA Report: Clearing of between 65 and 112 ha of native vegetation for agriculture, Kent location 1858, Shire of Gnowangerup (PDF, 675.39 KB)Date published: Monday, 16 October, 2006Appeals close: Monday, 30 October, 2006 5. Decision on proposal and implementation of proposalMinisterial decisionDate: March 26, 2009s. 45(8) decision: 1236 Clearing Gnowangerup s45(8) - 26Mar09.pdf (PDF, 165.27 KB)