Clearing of 255 Hectares of Native Vegetation Swan Locations 5433 and 5434 Gingin

Proposal description: 

The proposal is to clear approximately 265 hectares of native vegetation for the establishment of Tagasaste, a perennial fodder crop species. The area of vegetation proposed for clearing is located on the proponent's farming property, Swan Locations 5434 and 5433, near Mogumber West Road approximately 35 kms north of Gingin. The area is part of a formerly more extensive area of native vegetation recommended for reservation and protection by the EPA through the 1983 System 6 recommendations.

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
December 18, 2000
Current Status: 
Awaiting Ministerial decision
Awaiting Ministerial decision
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