ProjectProponent: WA Planning Commission and City of ArmadaleProposal description: The Western Australian Planning Commission and the City of Armadale propose to develop a water-based recreation park incorporating an international rowing course and other facilities including a residential component on land situated on Lake Road in the City of Armadale. Assessment Number: 1400Region: PerthReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: Land useLast updated: April 3, 2017Current Status: Ministerial Statement published 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Assess - Public Environmental ReviewPreliminary Environmental Factors: PeopleSocial SurroundingsFlora and VegetationTerrestrial FaunaHydrological ProcessesInland Waters Environmental QualityDate published: Monday, 15 October, 2001 3. AssessmentEnvironmental ReviewPublic submissions: Monday, 10 February, 2003 to Monday, 24 March, 2003Environmental Review documentation: A1400_R1100_PER_APPENDICES_COVER_SHEETS.PDF (PDF, 14.98 KB) A1400_R1100_PER_APPENDIXA.PDF (PDF, 50.71 KB) A1400_R1100_PER_APPENDIXB.PDF (PDF, 25.2 MB) A1400_R1100_PER_APPENDIXD.PDF (PDF, 17.41 MB) A1400_R1100_PER_APPENDIXE.PDF (PDF, 1.46 MB) A1400_R1100_PER_APPENDIXF.PDF (PDF, 44.01 KB) A1400_R1100_PER_APPENDIXG.PDF (PDF, 102.25 KB) A1400_R1100_PER_APPENDIXH.PDF (PDF, 36.59 MB) A1400_R1100_PER_APPENDIXJ.PDF (PDF, 1.65 MB) A1400_R1100_PER_APPENDIXL.PDF (PDF, 1.94 MB) A1400_R1100_PER_APPENDIXM.PDF (PDF, 9.72 MB) A1400_R1100_PER_APPENDIXN.PDF (PDF, 4.47 MB) A1400_R1100_PER_CHAMPIONLAKES.PDF (PDF, 749.89 KB) A1400_R1100_PER_COVER_TEXT_APPENDICES.PDF (PDF, 6.51 KB) 4. EPA Report on assessmentEPA Report Number: 1100EPA Report: EPA Report 1100 (PDF, 3.1 MB)Date published: Monday, 23 June, 2003Appeals close: Monday, 7 July, 2003 5. Decision on proposal and implementation of proposalMinisterial StatementDate of approval: Tuesday, 2 September, 2003Ministerial Statement: Ministerial Statement 0632 (PDF, 670.19 KB) Post-assessment changesSection 46 inquiry: Champion Lakes Masterplan Development Lake Road Armadale (s46)