Attachment 1 to Statement 949 - Increase the footprint required for marine infrastructure from 3.2 hectares (ha) to 4.8 ha; increase the overall project development envelope from 401.2 ha to 402.8 ha; update Figure 2 and coordinates defining disturbance envelopes - s45C change to proposal approved on 8 April 2015.
Attachment 2 to Statement 949 - Revise the development envelope boundaries to accommodate the access road re-alignment; decrease the development envelope area from 2,942 hectares (ha) to 2,552 ha; increase in total disturbance from 402.8 ha to 413.2 ha; and update Figures 1 and 2, and delineation coordinates - change to proposal approved on 1 May 2017.
Attachment 3 to Statement 949 - Change of purpose from a single commodity export facility (iron ore) to a multiple commodity export facility (iron ore and salt); Change to the name of the proposal - change to proposal approved on 19 September 2018.
Attachment 4 to Statement 949 - Include an increase to Project Development Envelope by 11 ha to allow for flexibility in the final trestle jetty alignment (increase Project Development Envelope from 2,552 ha to 2, 563 ha). Include a 0.7 ha disturbance limit to coral reef benthic communities and habitat (BCH) within the currently approved 4.8 ha disturbance limit that applies to the Marine Infrastructure element. - change to proposal approved on 6 November 2023.