ProjectProponent: Shire of BroomeProposal description: The Shire of Broome is proposing to construct a revetment wall at Broome Town Beach to mitigate the extreme level erosion risk identified for the east side of the Town Beach foreshore reserve, Pioneer Cemetery and the Museum. The revetment wall extends along approximately 400 m of shoreline and includes associated footpaths, drainage and lighting. Region: KimberleyReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: InfrastructureLast updated: May 28, 2018Current Status: Decision on whether to assess has been published 1. ReferralComment on this referral: Broome Town Beach Seawall Comment period: Wednesday, 18 April, 2018 to Tuesday, 24 April, 2018Referral documentation: Referral Form.pdf (PDF, 219.84 KB) Supporting Document.pdf (PDF, 1.08 MB) 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Referral examined, preliminary investigations and inquiries conducted. Proposal not to be assessed under Part IV of the EP Act – Dealt with Under Part V Division 2 (Clearing) (Not appealable)Extract of determination: Broome Town Beach Seawall (PDF, 200.9 KB)Date published: Monday, 28 May, 2018