ProjectProponent: Hamersley Iron Pty LimitedProposal description: Hamersley Iron Pty Limited have submitted a revised proposal for Brockman IV. This proposal provides for the expansion of the existing mine including additional clearing and the release of excess water, as well as some other minor changes. Assessment Number: 2000Region: PilbaraReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: Iron OreLast updated: September 1, 2022Current Status: Ministerial Statement published 1. ReferralComment on this referral: Brockman Syncline 4 Iron Ore Project - Revised ProposalComment period: Tuesday, 11 March, 2014 to Monday, 17 March, 2014Referral documentation: Referral Document - Brockman Syncline 4 Iron Ore - Revised Proposal (PDF, 16.31 MB) 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Assess - Assessment on Proponent Information - Category AExtract of determination: Chairman's Determination - Brockman Syncline 4 Iron Ore - Revised Proposal (PDF, 18.53 KB)Preliminary Environmental Factors: Flora and VegetationTerrestrial FaunaHydrological ProcessesDate published: Monday, 24 March, 2014 4. EPA Report on assessmentEPA Report Number: 1531EPA Report: Report 1531 - Brockman Syncline 4 Iron Ore – revised proposal (PDF, 1.41 MB)Proponent documents: API Document - Brockman Syncline 4 Iron Ore - Revised Proposal (PDF, 7.23 MB) Appendix 1_s38 Proponent Referral Form.pdf (PDF, 74.96 KB) Appendix 2_MS 717 24 March 2006.pdf (PDF, 3.62 MB) Appendix 3 EPA Prepared Scoping Guideline ( 27 May 2014).pdf (PDF, 1.03 MB) Appendix 4 Proposed Environmental Conditions for Revised Proposal July 2014.pdf (PDF, 2.88 MB) Appendix 5 Modelled scenarios for discharge to Boolgeeda Creek_Jan 2014.pdf (PDF, 577.15 KB) Appendix 6 Discharge Monitoring and Management Plan 26 August 2014 .pdf (PDF, 1.6 MB) Appendix 7 Biota 2005a.pdf (PDF, 3.48 MB) Appendix 7 Biota 2007b.pdf (PDF, 6.59 MB) Appendix 7 Biota 2009a.pdf (PDF, 4.23 MB) Appendix 7 Biota 2012a.pdf (PDF, 3.79 MB) Appendix 7 Biota 2012d Camps .pdf (PDF, 602.07 KB) Appendix 7 Biota 2013a.pdf (PDF, 6.19 MB) Appendix 7 Biota 2013b.pdf (PDF, 3.87 MB) Appendix 7 Biota 2013d.pdf (PDF, 4.23 MB) Appendix 8 Vegetation and Fauna Habitat types to be disturbed.pdf (PDF, 59.14 KB) Appendix 9 2013c.pdf (PDF, 2.85 MB) Appendix 9 Biota 2005b.pdf (PDF, 3.05 MB) Appendix 9 Biota 2009b.pdf (PDF, 1.58 MB) Appendix 10 B4 SCARD Management Plan.pdf (PDF, 221.84 KB) Appendix 11 Mineral Waste Management Plan.pdf (PDF, 94.13 KB) Appendix 12 Environmental checklist.pdf (PDF, 720.76 KB)Key Environmental Factors: Flora and VegetationHydrological ProcessesDate published: Monday, 20 October, 2014Appeals close: Monday, 3 November, 2014 5. Decision on proposal and implementation of proposalMinisterial StatementDate of approval: Wednesday, 11 March, 2015Ministerial Statement: Ministerial Statement 1000.pdf (PDF, 2.81 MB) Post-assessment changesS46C changes to conditions: Attachment 1 - Replacement of conditions 3 - 8. Minor change to implementation conditions made under s46C approved on 23 April 2015. Date S46C: Thursday, 23 April, 2015s. 45C amendments: Attachment 2 - Merging Area 1 and Area 2 into a single development envelope (Area 1) for mine pit and associated infrastructure; amendment to Schedule 2 coordinates defining the approved development envelope (Area 1); and update Figure 1 to reflect the above changes - change to proposal made under s45C approved on 26 August 2016. Attachment 3 - Increase of clearing limit from 3560 ha to 4043 ha (483 hectare increase) - change to proposal made under s45C approved on 8 November 2019. Attachment 4 - Increase clearing extent by 460 ha to total 4503 ha - change to proposal made under s45C approved on 1 September 2022. Date of approval s. 45C: Friday, 26 August, 2016Friday, 8 November, 2019Thursday, 1 September, 2022