ProjectProponent: Brockman Iron Pty LtdProposal description: Brockman Iron Pty Ltd is proposing to construct a railway line and associated infrastructure in the Hamersley Iron province in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, approximately 100 kilometres (km) north west of Newman. The railway line would be approximately 79 km in length. The proposal will connect the previously approved Brockman Marillana Iron Ore Project (Ministerial Statement 855) to the existing Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) railway line. Assessment Number: 1883Region: PilbaraReferred under EP Act: s38Industry sector: InfrastructureIron OreLast updated: January 11, 2013Current Status: Ministerial Statement published 1. ReferralReferral documentation: Offset Plan document (PDF, 8.26 MB) Addendum 4 - Alternative alignment (PDF, 9.02 MB) Rail Proposal area Level 2 Vertebrate Fauna Survey (PDF, 5.79 MB) Rail Corridor Northern Quoll Survey (PDF, 7.29 MB) Rail Development Vegetation and Flora Survey (PDF, 12.44 MB) Rail Corridor Short Range Endemic Invertebrate SUrvey (PDF, 4.7 MB) 2. Decision on whether to assess this proposalChair's Determination: Assess - Assessment on Proponent Information - Category AExtract of determination: A363279 Chair dets 18411.pdf (PDF, 39.26 KB)Preliminary Environmental Factors: Social SurroundingsFlora and VegetationTerrestrial FaunaHydrological ProcessesDate published: Monday, 18 April, 2011 4. EPA Report on assessmentEPA Report Number: 1455EPA Report: Brockman Railway Infrastructure Project (PDF, 1.22 MB)Proponent documents: Environmental Review Document - Brockman Railway Infrastructure Project (PDF, 1.32 MB) Appendices to Review Document (ZIP, 27.49 MB)Key Environmental Factors: Flora and VegetationTerrestrial FaunaHydrological ProcessesDate published: Monday, 19 November, 2012Appeals close: Monday, 3 December, 2012 5. Decision on proposal and implementation of proposalMinisterial StatementDate of approval: Friday, 11 January, 2013Ministerial Statement: Ministerial Statement 923 (PDF, 94.46 KB)