(1578) Use exploration groundwater bore and installing of water pipelines in the Chittering Road Reserve and (1579) Water service works in the road reserve of Chittering Road and Chittering Valley Road and groundwater abstraction from exploration bore

Proposal description: 

The proposals are to develop a water supply source using a bore located in the Chittering Road reserve in Lower Chittering and distributing to various properties.  The proposals would involve the combined abstraction of up to 390 megalitres per annum.

One of the proposals involves the construction of a 1.2 kilometre pipeline running east of the bore within the northern section of the road reserve of Chittering Road.

Note: Two separate proposals have been referred for assessment however, because the proposals are abstracting groundwater with a combined total abstraction rate from the same bore, the assessment of these proposals have been combined. 

Assessment Number: 
1578 & 1579
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
January 22, 2015
Current Status: 
Public Environmental Review document in preparation
Public Environmental Review document in preparation
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