This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: July 9, 1992
The proposal is to collect an existing backlog of waste polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and chlorinated pesticides which are stored at various centres in Western Australia and export them to the United Kingdom for destruction by high temperature incineration at the Rechem facilities at Fawley and Pontypool. The proposal does not cover waste which may be generated in the future as it is unlikely these materials would ever be used again in Western Australia. Environmental issues relating to... Read more...Last updated: March 10, 1992
Proposal to refurbish the abattoir to Commonwealth meat export standards. Read more...Last updated: November 1, 1991
Proposal to establish a cereal straw and waste paper pulp and paper mill near Moora in the Central Midlands district of Western Australia. Read more...Last updated: October 24, 1991
The land known as the Glencoe property is located within the Shire of Gingin approximately 16 kilometres west of Gingin on the Gingin Brook Road and totals 1,526 hectares of Rural zoned land. The property comprises 12 separate locations ranging in size from approximately 16 hectares to 1,103 hectares. While three of the existing southern locations have gazetted and constructed road frontage, the balance of the locations do not have frontage to a dedicated road system. Also, the proponent... Read more...Last updated: July 29, 1991
This proposal is located at Lot 6 Gingin Brook Road, Gingin, and it is proposed to establish 1.2 hectares of fruit and citrus trees, along with 0.5 hectare of vegetable market garden. The proponents have undertaken to perform soil and plant analyses to amend the levels of fertiliser applied. After the third year, fertiliser applications to these trees will be based solely on soil and plant analyses. Once the fruit trees are established and producing fruit for market, the proponent will convert... Read more...Last updated: July 19, 1991
The Environmental Protection Authority has assessed a proposal to grant exploration licences 70/807 and 70/808 over an area east of Jurien at Coomallo in the Shire of Dandaragan. An exploration licence (described in Part IV, Sections 57 -70 of the, Mining Act 1978, ) allows the licensee to explore for all minerals in or under the land. The granting of the licence by the Minister for Mines provides the holder of the licence with security of tenure for five years and the right to etlter the... Read more...Last updated: February 6, 1991
The proposal is to conduct a seismic survey for petroleum within Exploration Permit 351, located about 200 km north of Perth. The company proposes to test for petroleum in an area lying immediately to the west of Watheroo National Park. A total of 70 km of seismic traverses is planned. Portions of the survey may encroach into the western side of Watheroo National Park, parts of Flora and Fauna Reserve 27872, and an area proposed as a national park to link the Watheroo and Alexander Morrison... Read more...Last updated: March 2, 1990
The proposal is to build an abattoir on a 650ha rural site at Aurisch Road, Gingin. The site is located at the base of the Darling Scarp approximately 9km north of Gingin, 2km east of the Brand Highway and about 4km from Lakes Beermullah and White, the former being in a System 6 reserve. The proposed abattoir would process 1,000 sheep and 2,000 pigs per five day week. The site has a dwelling and a small piggery and is considered suitable by the Shire of Gingin for this proposal. The area is... Read more...Last updated: December 30, 1988
The proposal is to mine granite at Coarin Rock near Kwolyin in the central wheatbelt area of Western Australia. Coarin Rock is located within Reserve 35598 for the purpose of "water supply" and vested in the Water Authority of Western Australia. Although the Reserve is not being used for this purpose at the current time it has significant conservation and recreational values. The area is extensively used by local residents for recreational purposes. Mining is proposed to occur along a... Read more...Last updated: December 21, 1988
Castlemain Holdings purchased a 60 ha rural site zoned for noxious industry at Chitty Road, Bakers Hill in 1988. Castlemain proposes to construct a tannery with capacity of approximately 100,000 skins per year, approximately 50% of the skins will be salted. Read more...Last updated: October 3, 1988
The proposal is to establish a heavy mineral sand mining and processing operation. The proposed minesite is located at Cooljarloo near Cataby, approximately 170 km north of Perth. Initial processing at the site would produce a heavy mineral concentrate which is proposed to be transported by road to a dry processing plant at Muchea 40 km north of Perth. Mining of the deposits would be carried out using a single stage suction dredge to mine the upper level strands. A second dredge would then be... Read more...Last updated: April 13, 1988
The proposal is for a wool scouring plant at Bakers Hill, approximately 60 km east of Perth. The proposal involves production of 5 700 tonnes of scoured wool per year, initially, followed later by top making, spinning and knitting facilities. The proposed site is 65 hectares in area, has no dwellings and is deemed suitable by appropriate local authorities. It is partly bounded by a golf course on the north side and the remainder is bounded by agricultural land. The closest residence is... Read more...Last updated: November 5, 1987
In accordance with the conditions of the mining leases, a mining plan was submitted to the Department of Mines by Endeavour Resources Limited to continue mining operations in the Lancelin dunes. These plans were subsequently referred to the Environmental Protection Authority for assessment with respect to the environmental aspects of the proposal. This proposal discussed various stages of development through the perceived life of the project: initially removing sand from low lying dunes west of... Read more...