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Last updated: November 1, 2021
The City of Busselton propose to remove a layer of nutrient-rich, fine organic sediments which have accumulated throughout the lower reach of the Vasse River. The proposal is located within the City of Busselton and extends for 2.5 km from the Butter Factory Museum to the Busselton Bypass. Sediment removal will be staged and undertaken via a mobile micro-dredge, or similar unit. The dredged sediment will be pumped to a designated onshore laydown area(s), allowed to dewater with the return water... Read more...Last updated: January 7, 2019
The City of Busselton currently operates the Busselton Margaret River Regional Airport (situated on Vasse Highway, Busselton) that allows for general aviation and closed charter fly-in fly-out operations. The City of Busselton is proposing to extend, widen and strengthen the existing runway and associated infrastructure of the Busselton Margaret River Regional Airport. This is a revised proposal to the current environmental approval under Ministerial Statement No. 1009. As a part of this... Read more...Last updated: April 9, 2018
City of Busselton proposes to construct a new route into Busselton. The proposal involves the development of a new two-lane road and bridge linking Causeway Road to Cammilleri Street, including a new bridge over the Vasse river. Disturbance associated with the proposal would include construction on the banks of the Vasse River and removal of 0.56 hectares of native vegetation. Read more...Last updated: December 15, 2016
The proposal is to operate a regional airport at the Four Mile Hill site. During the assessment of an expansion to the Busselton Regional Aerodrome , the proposal was changed under s.43A of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, to remove the runway extension, widening and strengthening component. The details of the existing runway are defined in Schedule 1 of Ministerial Statement 901 for this proposal and, as such, a section 45C change to Ministerial Statement 901 has been approved for the... Read more...Last updated: July 7, 2015
Inquiry under section 46 to change condition 4-1 - Ministerial Statement 901. Read more...