The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has delivered its recommendations on a proposal to construct and operate a landfill near York, noting that the consideration of some impacts to society, economic benefit and land use planning were outside its legal remit under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986.
Alkina Holdings Pty Ltd’s Great Southern Landfill at Allawuna Farm has been recommended for environmental approval by the EPA subject to strict conditions. However, the report to the Minister for Environment urged consultation across all relevant State Government portfolios to ensure that matters that the EPA were unable to consider were fully regarded, particularly with respect to land use planning and other social and economic impacts.
EPA Chair Professor Matthew Tonts said the independent Authority recognised the level of community concern and noted that the proposal was not consistent with the Shire of York’s current planning scheme.
"The EPA considered the proposal as it related to significant environmental impacts but was not able to consider concerns outside of these matters,” he said. “It is important that decision-makers across government give full consideration to those issues beyond the scope of the EPA, especially as they relate to planning and regional development.”
The EPA report recommends the proposal, located 15km west of York, be implemented subject to offset conditions relating to the clearing of black cockatoo habitat trees, a feral animal monitoring and control area, and measures to minimise impacts associated with waste disposal.
The proposal to operate a landfill for receiving Class II or III solid waste of up to 250,000 tonnes a year includes up to seven landfill cells, leachate ponds, stormwater retention ponds, sediment management structures, stormwater diversion structures and an upgrade to the access road and Great Southern Highway intersection.
The EPA’s report to the Minister for Environment is now open for a three-week public appeal period. Appeals can be made at The Minister will make the final decision on the proposal. EPA Report 1738 can be found HERE.
EPA Media Contact: Jenni Storey on 0434 734 997