EPA to assess proposed Browse to North West Shelf Development

Release date: 
January 24, 2019

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) today determined to assess Woodside Energy’s proposed Browse to the North West Shelf Development, located in State waters off the Kimberley coast.   

EPA Chairman Dr Tom Hatton said the EPA determined to assess the proposal because of:

  • the high environmental values of Scott Reef (where the proposal is located);
  • the proposed installation and production of subsea wells in State waters; and
  • the extent of the proposal’s direct and indirect impacts.

“Given the environmental values potentially at risk, a detailed and rigorous assessment is required to determine the proposal’s environmental impacts and how these impacts could be managed,” Dr Hatton said.

The EPA set a level of Public Environmental Review with a public review period of six weeks.

The Browse resource is located in the Brecknock, Calliance and Torosa reservoirs about 425 kilometres (km) north of Broome, off the Kimberley coast.

Woodside Energy is the operator of the Browse Joint Venture (BJV) which holds seven petroleum retention leases, five of which are located in Commonwealth waters and two in State waters.  Woodside Energy proposes to develop the Browse resource using two Floating Production Storage and Offloading facilities, which will transport gas to the existing North West Shelf Karratha Gas Plant, through a proposed 85 km spur line and a 900 km Browse Trunkline, using the existing North Rankin Complex.

The proposal in State waters includes the drilling, installation, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of subsea wells and associated infrastructure to extract gas. 

The proposed development spans Commonwealth and State jurisdictions and it is proposed the EPA jointly assess the proposal with the Commonwealth, with the EPA focussing on actions proposed in Western Australian waters.

Today the EPA also determined to assess DDG Operations’ Pluto North West Shelf Interconnector Pipeline, at the level of Referral Information (with additional information required).  The EPA will be requesting further information relating to cultural values that may be impacted by the pipeline, including targeting consultation with key Indigenous stakeholder groups.

The proposed Pluto North West Shelf Interconnector Pipeline, is a 3.3 km natural gas pipeline, connecting the Pluto Interconnector Compressor Station to the Karratha Gas Plant.  

Both decisions released today are not appealable.

For more information on the proposals please visit:

Pluto North West Shelf Interconnector Pipeline


For a PDF of the determination please click here.

Proposed Browse to Northwest Shelf Development


For a PDF of the determination please click here.

EPA Media Contact: Vivienne Ryan 0400 866 450

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