Scheme/scheme amendmentResponsible Authority: Armadale Redevelopment Authority Description: The purpose of the Wungong Urban Water Redevelopment Scheme 2006 in broad terms is to provide for the orderly and proper control of development within the Scheme area. The Scheme area consists of approximately 1500 hectares (ha) of rural land in Brookdale. Most of the site is substantially cleared low lying palusplain with the Wungong River traversing the site. The site is mostly in the Southern River catchment of the Swan and Canning Rivers system. A small portion drains to the Birrega Main Drain in the Peel-Harvey catchment. This scheme was previously known as the 'Brookdale Redevelopment Scheme 2005 Amendment 1 (Brookdale Master Plan)' Assessment Number: 1647Region: PerthLocal Government Authority: Armadale, City ofLast updated: Tuesday, 4 March, 2008Current status: Ministerial Statement published Chairman's DeterminationDate of determination: Monday, 21 August, 2006Decision: Assess - Environmental ReviewEnvironmental Factors: Social SurroundingsHuman HealthFlora and VegetationHydrological ProcessesInland Waters Environmental Quality Environmental ReviewPublic submissions: Thursday, 16 November, 2006 to Friday, 19 January, 2007 EPA Report and recommendationsEPA Report Number: 1253EPA Report: Report 1253 - Wungong Urban Water Redevelopment Scheme 2006 (PDF, 4.81 MB)Environmental Factors: Terrestrial Environmental QualityTerrestrial FaunaWaterHydrological ProcessesInland Waters Environmental QualityRelease date: Wednesday, 4 April, 2007 Ministerial StatementMinisterial Statement: Ministerial Statement 762 (PDF, 57.48 KB)Date of approval: March 4, 2008